Monday, March 7, 2011


A polar molecule is caused caused when the difference in the electronegativity of an atom is between .4 and 1.7. If the difference is between 0 and .4 then the molecule is not polar. In a non-polar molecule the electrons are equally shared between the two atoms that are bonded together. in a polar molecule the electrons are unevenly shared between the atoms that are bonded together. In the bond one of the atoms tends to be negatively charged and the other tends to be positively charged.

One example of a molecule that is not polar is C-C. This molecule is non-polar because the difference in electronegativity of the two atoms is zero.

An example of a polar molecule is C-F. This molecule is polar because the difference in electronegativity is 1.43. Since it is polar the fluorine atom pulls harder on the electrons in the bond then the carbon and thus is partially negative while the carbon is partially positive. The electrons in this covalent bond are still being shared just not 50-50 between the two atoms.

The next scribe is.....Amar B.

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