Monday, September 27, 2010

Just Another Exciting Day in 7th period Chem....

Today was just another exciting day of seventh period chem with D-Liebs. We kicked off class today with an ever so exciting discussion on the one and only...............HOMECOMING GENIE!!!!!!! Today being the first day of homecoming week at GBS, Mr.Lieberman told us the story of the homecoming genie. He showed us the bottle in which the homecoming genie is in. Liebs told us how the homecoming genie only comes out if the school is filled with homecoming spirit. Mr.Lieberman then opened the bottle and.................nothing happened. In a desperation move to get the genie out of the bottle, Chris and Artie proceeded to sing the fight song!.......FAIL. Artie didnt even know the words. The only one with spirit in the room today was Erika G. Nice job Erika! Tomorrow we are definitely getting the genie out of the bottle because like Mr.Lieberman said, homecoming is nothing without the homecoming genie. So, WEAR GREEN AND SILVER TOMORROW FOR SLYTHERIN (our class house for tomorrow)!
(look like this, we will for sure get the genie out)

After the talk on the homecoming genie, we got down to business. It was time for chemistry. First, we talked about alchemy. Alchemists were scientists hired by kings and queens to make immortality potions, turn random metals into gold, and other scientific things. Alchemists were the first people to record data like, data about elements, lab apparatus's, procedures, and experimental technique. After alchemists, we talked about Robert Boyle. Robert Boyle stated that a substance was an element unless it could be broken down into two or more simpler substances. Robert Boyle transitioned from some of the weird science of the alchemists, to some of the chemistry we use today. After Boyle, we talked about Dalton. Dalton was a religious school teacher/ principle at 13/ genius. Dalton said that atoms do indeed exist and they are indivisible and indestructible. Dalton provided the first atomic model backed by data/evidence. Later, this guy named Thompson disproved Daltons model by conducting this experiment...
This experiment showed that atoms do have negatively charged particles called electrons because electrons are the reason the beam was attracted to the positively charged magnet. He then proceeded to make an atomic model according to his findings. This model was called the "plum pudding" model. No, i dont know what he was thinking with the name.... So yeah that is where we left off today in 7th period chemistry with d-liebs.

Notes From Today
Your homework for today is.....

1) DRESS GREEN and SILVER tomorrow!!!

2) Watch our 2-0 BEARS beat the cheese-heads of Greenbay on Monday Night Football today!!!! GO BEARS!!!!!

The next scribe will be......MATT BROWN

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