Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nature of Matter Notes and Paper Clip Activity

All in all, 7th Chemistry today was pretty relaxed and relatively straightforward. I cannot believe I am saying that anything to do with Chemistry was straightforward, but there you have it. We started off class by discussing some aspects of our blog as well as the other student Chemisty blogs. Nicole C., great job by the way! Mr. Lieberman cracked some jokes as usual, which cements the fact that our class has a postive, warm, welcoming, chill, cool, and yet sophisticated environment to it. Then onto the......(pause for dramatic effect) LECTURE!!!! OH NOOO!!! Except not because Mr. Lieberman really knows how to turn a note lecture into a fun and intriguing experience. So we carried on with the notes on the Nature of Matter. Mr. Lieberman went more in depth into the areas of Matter that we touched on in the Chemthink assignment and through our textbook reading. Mr. Lieberman did a great job of not reading off of the powerpoints :p. He explained the slides more in detail and answered any questions we had. Myself, with almost everybody else added to the powerpoint slides either on the blank space on the side of the sheet on or an seperate sheet. Here are the notes I took:

Not included in those notes are the examples that Mr. Lieberman gave us for Homogeneous and Heterogenrous mixtures. Some Homogeneous mixture examples are: Saltwater, Kool-Aid (if mixed properly), milk, yogurt, and Solutions. Some Heterogeneous micture examples are sand, skittles, and M&M's. After we finished the lecture, we went right into our next activity for the class period, which was
The Paper Clip Activity. This activity had to do with Atoms, Molecules, and the Classification of Matter. So here's the scoop on this activity: there were three different kinds of paper clips;Sm=small, Cl=colored and then Jb=JUMBO!!!! What we had to do in this activity was fabricate mixtures, compounds, and elements using these different paper clips. For each problem we had to come up with a paperclip version of the compound, element, or mixture. Here is a picture of what these representations would look like:

We answered some questions about the activity and by that time class was more of less finished!:( Overall another great day in the world of Mr. Lieberman's 7th Period Chemistry class. Ladies and Gentlemen this has been Jon Connor...... Over and Out.
The next Scribe is....Drumrolll please!!!!!!!!
Declan G.